Seven Steps to a Successful Visual Identity


Launching your brand can be overwhelming. You have to think about your product, your market, pricing and so many other things that, a great idea can quickly become the pit of your despair. On top of all that, you have to think about branding and how to appeal to your customers.

What’s a visual identity?

The term branding refers to all of the elements that make up your brand (from your logo to your customer service). The visual identity, as its name indicates, refers to all the visual elements that makes up your brand (logo, colors, photos, etc.) Whether you have a clear idea of what you want or you have no idea, if it’s your first time launching a brand, there are a few steps to take into consideration in order to achieve a successful visual identity. It’s easy to overlook some of them or to feel overwhelmed so I decided to create this short free guide. In there, you’ll find 7 steps I recommend you take in order to build a solid brand.

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Where can I learn more?

This guide was designed to act as a checklist to make it easier for you to understand all the elements you’ll have to think about in order to have a solid brand. If you wish to know more about branding and how to build a successful brand, please make sure to to visit our branding section. For a good start, I’d recommend you check those three articles:

Awatif Bentahar

Awatif is an independent designer with a deep love for strong brands and well-crafted products. She is usually based in Paris and likes designing brands with local and international clients.


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